By Area

By Area

Directors are elected to represent geographical areas wherever the Board deems that the number of residents warrants representation. Such areas shall include but not be restricted to such Texas cities and rural areas of:

Reba Ott 512 258-3345
Brownwood   Susan Ruiz 325-200-8835
 Bryan/College Station Michael Ordener 713-703-6608
 Greg & Mary Hoelscher  254-627-1511/1464
Johnny Hoelscher 409 822-1821
 Columbus/Frelsburg/La Grange
 Carolyn Heinsohn  979-968-3806
Al Henneke  979-966-2554
Corpus Christi/ Violet
 Joan Black  361-852-4487
Dallas/Ft Worth Metroplex
Karen Cosper 972 539-8484
 Oklahoma Carolyn Stanton  214-791-3963
Houston  Jackie Lipski  210-275-4517
 Paul Sobieski  713-858-3291
Mary Boone  806-632-3166
Midland  Janice Midkiff Durham  575-399-6696
St Lawerance
San Angelo/Miles
 Linda Binns  325 942-0725
San Antonio
James Bernsen 512-497-6725
Carla Bottorf 830 372-5085
Temple  Mary Beth Gaspard  254-624-0866
Shirley Burk 254-986-8353
 Betty Broome  325-642-4055
Barbara Hoelscher 254-947-8700
 Cindy Ecklund  715-370-5526
Doris Voltin 254 583-4768