November 1991
Family History Update
Since the release of our Family Book in 1978, we have learned more about our family history. Here are only a few of the things we have learned.
Five Sons On page 6 of our 1978 Family Book, you read the speculation to the possible fate of the Hoelscher’s son, Franz. Actually, Anton and Mary Katherine did bring five sons with them on the voyage to Texas. Geneva Tetley (p. 443) located a record showing that William, Franz, and Ben were among the first group to be confirmed at Sts. Peter and Paul, Frelsburg, on Nov. 1, 1848. So, we know that Franz came with the family, but we know nothing of him after 1848. Perhaps his is one of the unmarked graves in the vicinity of Anton Sr.’s grave.
Anton Sr.’s Memorial Marker At the 1978 reunion, it was voted to “investigate the possibility of moving Anton Hoelscher Sr.’s grave from private property to the church cemetery at Frelsburg” (p. 547). After extensive investigation by Ruth Kunz (p. 122), the Family Board concluded in 1981 that such a move would be too complicated. Instead a marker was placed on Mary Katherine’s grave as a memorial to Anton Sr. It gives his date of birth and approximate date of death and states he is actually “buried on private property in Colorado County.” This marker also recognizes Anton and Mary Katherine as the “parents of the Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family.” Anton’s Date of Death In searching for all possible records concerning Anton Sr.’s death, no one has found an actual record of death for him. Through her research, Ruth Kunz (p. 122) determined that he died between 1856 and 1857, based primarily on land transaction records.
Which Ship? We still have not found ships’ passenger lists for our immigrant families. According to Anton Sr.’s application for naturalization, the Hoelscher Family arrived in Texas on Dec. 31, 1846. According to family tradition, the Buxkemper Family arrived on Nov. 28, 1850. We think both families arrived at the Port of Galveston. But we do not know the name of either ship. If anyone can locate these records, please let us know!
Dates Not in Family Book Elizabeth Hoelscher Buxkemper’s second husband, Bernard Niehues, was born Sept. 20, 1801, and died Dec. 20, 1899. He is buried at Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery, Frelsburg.
Finding Family Records
It is not necessary to travel to Germany, nor to write letters, to see our family’s records. The records of St. Vitus Church, Olfen, are in the Bistumarchiv in Mnster. But the churchbooks have been microfilmed by the L.D.S. (Mormons) and may be viewed at a local L.D.S. Family History Center anywhere in the world. In case you are interested, you will find most of the records on microfilm numbers 0865842 through 0865846.