Visitors Across the Ocean Several relatives have visited in and around Olfen, Germany, and furnished us with information, including the Rev. Alvin Wilde (pp. 31, 337), and Marcus and Mary Dee Hoelscher (pp. 392, 452). In 1986, a group of 13 relatives, led by Bishop Leroy Matthiesen (p. 220), toured Olfen, Munster, the surrounding towns and other sights in Germany. They visited with Annemarie Lucking and other relatives of the Matthiesen and Bruse families and looked at family records in two archives. Relatives making the trip with Bishop Matthiesen were: Dottie Frerich (pp. 226, 369), George Lange (p. 226), Irene Mazur (p. 220), Cindy Niehues (p. 214), Doris Niehues Siebold (p. 214), Kenneth and Carol Niehues (p. 214), Gladys Gray (p. 228) and her friend, Carmen Cuirana, Geneva Tetley (p. 443), Carolyn Meiners (p. 244), and Theresa Gold (pp. 265, 385). In 1989, Albert and Emma Helpert (p. 35) and Theresa Gold (pp. 265, 385) visited Olfen for the celebration of the town’s 1100th anniversary. Earlier, Emma had been interviewed — in German and Plattdeutsch — via an international radio hookup from her home in Dallas directly to Olfen in Germany. In Olfen, the three were presented to the city officials and were photographed for the newspaper. They attended several anniversary events and were the houseguests of two Buxkemper families. If you plan a trip abroad and would like to visit Olfen, contact Theresa Gold (pp. 265, 385) well in advance for names and addresses of contacts and recommendations on sights to see. If you visit Olfen, be sure to report back to us.
Organizations of Interest To You All of these know of our H-B Family so when you join, just mention that you are a member of our big family. Westphalia Historical Society was organized recently to preserve the community’s heritage, to prevent demolition of the Westphalia Little School and Convent, and possibly renovate those buildings for a community museum. Members are planning a masquerade ball for New Year’s Eve and are preparing two commemorative quilts, one for former students of the Little School and another for supporters. Plans are underway for a videotaped history of the community. A new concern has arisen regarding the proposed route of the high-speed rail within 2,000 feet of the historic Church of the Visitation and the cemetery. Membership is open to anyone who is interested with no fees required, and “contributing” membership begins at $10.00.
To add your name to their Newsletter mailing, write to the Society’s president, Doris Voltin (p. 99), Rt. 2, Box 188, Rosebud, TX 76570
Violet Historical Society maintains the community’s original church building as a community museum. The museum is officially open only three days a year, but special tours may be arranged by calling (512) 387-2273. President of the Violet Historical Society is Arthur “Buddy” Dittlinger (p. 413). Annual dues begin at $7.50 for individuals and $10.00 for couples. The Society’s address is Rt. 3, Box 152 (Violet), Robstown, TX 78380
German-Texan Heritage Society has one meeting a year, but brings all members a large Journal three times a year. Membership is on a calendar year basis and currently begins at $8.00. If you join now, please specify if you are paying dues for 1991 or 1992 or both. After Jan. 1, 1992, dues will begin at $10.00. Write to GTHS, P. O. Box 262, Manchaca, TX 78652
Westphalian Heritage Society is a new national organization for the descendants of immigrants from the Westphalia area of Germany (that’s all of us!). Individual membership begins at $10.00, and the Society wants to hear about your interests, your family and its origin. The address is: P. O. Box 244, Westphalia, MO 65085 Texas Catholic Historical Society holds an annual meeting and publishes a Newsletter and one issue of a Journal each year. Individual membership is $10.00 per year. The address is (changed — see link to their site).
A Recipe or Two For You The Altar Society of Visitation Parish, Westphalia, has two different editions of a cookbook for sale: each is $5.00, which includes postage. You may order yours from Doris Voltin (p. 99). Family Portraits You probably recognize the woman pictured to the left. Of course, she is Mary Katherine (Daldrup) Hoelscher, our immigrant mother. At the far left is a portrait of Anton Hoelscher, Sr., compliments of Carolyn Meiners (p. 244). The picture was positively identified at our 1988 reunion, and we thought you’d like a peek at our immigrant father!