1991 Page 4

Two Attend All 19!
Thus far, we have had 19 biennial reunions; elsewhere in this Newsletter is a list of where and when all the reunions were held. Two faithful relatives have attended all 19 family reunions — every single one since the first in 1954. They are Katherine “Katie” Hoelscher Bersen (pp. 44, 414) and Nathelene Goericke Hoelscher (p. 408) both of Violet. That’s really something special!

With the birth of Celene Ann Butner on March 18, 1988, the Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family began its ninth generation! Celene Ann is the daughter of Robert Allen and Kelly Ann (Taylor) Butner (p. 32) of San Jose, Calif.
Celene is the only 9th-generation child that we know of. If there are others, younger or older, please tell us!

Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family Board Members
Board members represent the large cities of Texas as well as the smaller communities where great numbers of relatives reside. They have one Board meeting per year: during the biennial reunion and, in odd-numbered years, on the second Sunday after Easter in Temple. From this group comes the initiative for planning “the next reunion,” for promoting attendance at the reunion, and for communication among the relatives in each area.
The Board members represent you, and so that you may know who they are, we are furnishing you with a list of their names, addresses and telephone numbers.

News From Here ‘N There
When we look through all the newspaper clippings sent to the Custodian of Records for inclusion in the scrapbooks on display at each reunion, we can tell that out Hoelscher and Buxkemper family descendants participate in many activities.
They continue to be active in Catholic Life Insurance, following their ancestors’ lead in founding the Staatsverband. They also reach out through the PTA or PTC, Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters. You will also find them working in parish religious education, singing and directing the choirs, serving Altar Societies and Christian Mothers’ Clubs. CYO, scouts, high school and college sports also claim their time and talent. They have been listed on honor rolls and won scholarships and awards of merit. Some of them are involved in social action issues; some write letters to the editors. Many are farmers; others are physicians, lawyers, accountants, engineers, teachers and professors — and homemakers. But, all share the heritage of a common relationship through our immigrant ancestors, Anton and Mary Katherine Hoelscher.

These newsy bits were taken primarily from clippings sent for inclusion in the family reunion scrapbooks. Some of the information may no longer be current.
Chris and Margie Hoelscher (p. 340) of Cedar Park near Austin have adopted 15 children, all disabled in some way. The family was the subject of a three-page feature story with color photos in the March 1990 edition of Ladies Home Journal.
Sandra Dornak (p. 146) was fourth runner-up in the Miss Texas Scholarship Pageant, July 6, 1991, televised statewide from Fort Worth. An accomplished ventriloquist, she competed as Miss Duncanville.
Clifford G. Hoelscher (p. 340) won a 1990 Emmy Award for his sound editing of Serengeti Diary, a National Geographic documentary. Formerly of Runnels County, he has lived in California since 1974.
The Rev. Marvin Kitten, S. J., (p. 297) served at St. Mary’s Parish, College Station for five years. He is now vocations director for the New Orleans Province of the Jesuits. Aggie former students and others may contact him at 500 S. Jefferson Davis Pkwy., New Orleans, LA 70119-7192.
Jim Kissling (p. 157) and a friend rescued his brother, Mike Kissling, from a flaming car wreck in late May 1986. They received well-deserved recognition for their heroism.
The Rev. Msgr. Monroe J. Matthiesen (p. 219), now age 75, has retired as pastor of St. Theresa’s parish, Panhandle, an appointment he had held since 1968. The oldest active priest in the diocese of Amarillo, he remains director of St. Ann’s Nursing Home, the Catholic Children’s Home, and St. Joseph’s Home for Retired Priests, as well as chaplain to the School Sisters of St. Francis.
The Rev. Edward Pavlicek (p. 179), graduate of Our Lady of the Lake University and Assumption Seminary in San Antonio, was ordained to the priesthood April 9, 1983. He currently serves at Sacred Heart Parish, Floresville.
Jerome Hoelscher (p. 196) began growing grapes on his farm near Garden City in 1985, and in 1987 his St. Lawrence Winery was formally bonded to market four types of wine.
Helen Gausemeier Hoelscher (p. 281) and Doris Buxkemper Voltin (p. 99) were among the Westphalia “Ladies of the Land” a 1984 feature story in the Marlin Democrat, which was reprinted in several other newspapers. The story also featured Lydia Lange and Louise Buckholt.
William Ordner (p. 60) was reelected mayor Petronilla in April 1987 by a vote of 36 – 19, termed a heavy voter turnout.
Larry Hoelscher (p. 281) is district clerk, and his brother, Tony Lynn Hoelscher (p. 281) is county commissioner, both of Falls County.
Richard Strube (p. 301) was elected county commissioner in Runnels County in 1990.
Ralph E. Hoelscher (p. 294), Runnels County farmer, was twice a candidate for Texas Railroad Commission on the Republican primary ballot. He is the first H-B family relative we know of to run in a statewide election.
Benedicine Sisters Pauline Block (p. 227), Helen Glass (p. 217), and Rosaria Matthiesen (p. 219), all first cousins, of Holy Name Priory, St. Leo, Fla., celebrated their golden jubilee in August 1980. Sr. Rosaria died July 7, 1988.
In June 1985, the Diocese of Austin’s Catholic Spirit featured several Catholic farming families, including James, Mary Ann, Alan and Glenn Hoelscher (p. 340) and Charlotte and Larry Stock (pp. 34, 191). According to the article, when Alan Hoelscher rides alone on the cultivator, “God is ‘somebody to talk to.’ ”
Hugo J. Gold (pp. 165, 385) and Hubert Lange (p. 227) both retired in late 1990 from civil service at Kelly Air Force Base, San Antonio, and attended each others’ retirement parties.
Wendy Jenschke (p. 142) of Fredericksburg was Gillespie County’s Peach Queen in 1984.
Irene Eggemeyer Kuhn (pp. 421,444) of Duarte, Calif., completed high school in 1978 at age 67. She proudly shared with all a lengthy story of her life in the Ballinger Ledger, Dec. 4, 1978.