November 1995
The year 1996 marks the 150th anniversary of the arrival of our first ancestors on the shores of Texas. Late in 1846, the parents, Anton and Mary Katherine Hoelscher, arrived at Galveston with their sons, Anton, Jr., Joseph, William, and Bernard. (We have since learned that another son, Franz, also arrived with them.) In the Hoelschers’ company was Elizabeth Ahsen-Brüse, the fiancée of Anton, Jr. Four years later, in 1850, the Hoelscher daughter, Elizabeth, arrived with her husband, Theodore Buxkemper, and the first three of their children. Records have been located showing their arrival aboard the ship “Reform.”
Thus, the years 1996 and 2000 are years of special celebration for the Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family.
To share news with all our relatives, we offer you the second edition of our Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family Newsletter.
Throughout this Newsletter, you will find a page number (usually in parenthesis) in connection with each name. This refers to the page(s) in the 1978 Family Book where you can find that person.
Let us know if you think this Newsletter is a good idea. Newsletter Chairperson is Theresa Gold (pp. 265, 385), 106 Ranchland, San Antonio TX 78213.
Recent experience in organizing a reunion the size of ours has emphasized the need for pre-paid reservations due to contracts with caterers, etc. Make your plans now, and then when the Reunion invitation arrives, please return it promptly with your check to reserve meals and space for your family.
The Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family’s 22nd biennial Reunion will be Saturday and Sunday, June 15 and 16, 1996, in Corpus Christi. This reunion will commemorate the 150th anniversary of the family’s first arrival in Texas.
Saturday’s activities will include time for visiting, supper, and a family dance. On Sunday will be Mass, dinner, and the biennial family meeting. The raffle will feature very special prizes appropriate to this commemorative reunion. Relatives are encouraged to bring photos and other memorabilia for the family history display area.
Invitations with detailed schedules, information on hotels, and reservation forms will be mailed in the spring of 1996.
If information is needed prior to that time, contact Dorothy Corcoran (p. 408), 734 Chase Dr., Corpus Christi TX 78412, telephone (512) 992-8787.
With the special commemoration surrounding the 1996 family reunion, the Reunion Committee announces a contest for the design of the T-Shirt to be sold at this reunion. This contest is open to any family member residing anywhere in the world. Entries should be drawn in the size appropriate for use on an adult sized T-shirt, in black ink, with colors indicated. In addition to the honor of having the winning design used on this year’s family eunion T-Shirt, the first place design will receive a $25.00 prize. ntries must be received by Jan. 15, 1996. Send entries to Dorothy Corcoran (p. 408), 734 Chase Dr., Corpus Christi TX 78412.
(more on Reunion, page 2, col. 1)
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