Nov. 1995 Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family Newsletter Page 3
For the first time, the Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family is operating under formal By-Laws as passed at the 1994 Reunion. The full statement of the By-Laws is lengthy, however here are some highlights.
The name of the organization is “Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family Heritage Association,” and the purpose is to establish unity for the preservation of the heritage of the family. The two stated objectives are to collect, analyze, disseminate and preserve genealogical, historical and biographical data pertaining to the family and to organize and promote attendance at the biennial reunions. All persons descended from Anton and Mary Katherine Hoelscher are members of the Family Heritage Association.
Whereas it had been customary for the Reunion Chairperson to serve as the Chairperson of the family organization, the By-Laws provide for a separate President. Other officers are: Vice President, Secre tary-Treasurer, and Custodian of Records. The officers are elected by the board at the meeting in odd-numbered (non-Reunion) years. Committees include: Reunion, Newsletter, Family History Book, Research, and Membership Roster (names and addresses).
The Board consists of one or more Directors from geographical areas where the number of residents warrants representation. Regular meetings of the Board are once a year: during the Reunion in even-numbered years, and the second Sunday after Easter in odd-numbered years.
Officers and Chairpersons:
President: Melvin Schanen, Rt. 3, Box 331, Robstown TX 78380,
Vice President: Johnny Hoelscher, 1417 Burt, Bryan TX 77802,
Secretary-Treasurer: Shirley Hoelscher Burk, 4090 Mountain Laurel Loop, Temple TX 76502,
Custodian of Records: Anne Raabe, 2724 Biloxi, Mesquite TX 75150,
Reunion Chairperson: Dorothy Corcoran, 734 Chase Dr., Corpus Christi TX 78412,
Newsletter and Membership Roster: Theresa Gold, 106 Ranchland, San Antonio TX 78213
Other Board Members:
Kenneth Anderson, 2704 Hearne Dr., Pasadena TX 77502,
Marjorie Baumbach, 427 Spence, Crosby TX 77532,
Rosamond Bedrich, 404 Fryers Creek Cir., #507, Temple TX 76504,
Edwin Buxkamper, 707 Washington, Columbus TX 78934,
Clare Davis, Rt. 5, Box 215-B, Harlingen TX 78552,
Clarence Entrop, 2004 Lavendusky Dr., Temple TX 76501,
Elmer Entrop, 7306 Bucknell, Austin TX 78723,
Dolores Evans, 2910 Wacos, San Antonio TX 78238,
Dottie Frerich, 1811 Forest Park, San Angelo TX 76901,
Emma Helpert, 9635 Vinewood, Dallas TX 75228,
Alice Hoelscher, 17751 FM 940, Rogers TX 76569,
Eugene Hoelscher, 1204 Duval, Killeen TX 76541,
Gladys Hoelscher, 2002 St. Mary, San Angelo TX 76904,
Lawrence Hoelscher, 3024 Lamar Circle, El Campo TX 77437,
Dollie McDonough, P. O. Box 179, Agua Dulce TX 78330,
Carolyn Meiners, 1034 S. Madison, La Grange TX 78945,
Paul & Sylvia Meurer, Rt. 1, Box 140, Slaton TX 79364,
Doris Voltin, Rt. 2, Box 188, Rosebud TX 76570