Missing Data
In the last century and a half the Hoelscher-Buxkemper Family has grown quite large and descendants now live in many parts of the world making it extremely difficult to stay in contact with all of them. Through all our efforts we still do not have input from all the descendants and, in order to make this book as complete as can be we need your help. We have voids in two areas, 4th generation biographies and personal data.
4th Generation Biographies
In previous Newsletters, it was requested someone in the family provide a Biography of their 4th generation ancestors to be included in the book. The Bio was to be in paragraph format and no more than 500 words. It was also requested that two photographs be provided with the bio, one, a wedding picture of the ancestor and two a picture of the ancestors’ family. The pictures will be returned once prints are made for the book.
Please screen the following list of 4th generation family members for whom we do not have biographies. If the name of one of your ancestors is on the list, take the time to prepare a biography for them. Provide us with content. We will edit it for format, Punctuation, Etc.
4th generation family members whose descendants do not provide us with a biography will have what Family Chairpersons can prepare from knowledge available. In some cases, that may only be the birth date, wedding date, name of spouse, and death date.
Mail 4th generation biographies to: Hubert & Nita Lange
6018 Forest Bend
San Antonio, TX 78240
Personal Data
A lot of time and energy has been expended by the Family Chairpersons in trying to obtain data on all members of this large family. Through all their efforts, personal data is still missing on many. The following list of names are those for whom we have no personal data. Please review this list and help us in any way you can, i.e., send us the data, using the form, or give us the name of a contact who can. We would like the book to be as complete as possible but will go to print with what we have. HELP!!! Personal data is needed by 1 April 2003.
Other Important Information