Hoelscher – Buxkempber Board of Directors by Shirley Burk
Marjorie Baumbach, James Bernsen, O.A. Bernsen, Linda Binns,
Carla Bottorf, Shirley Burk, Leonard Buxkemper, Karen Cosper,
Patricia Decker, Clarence Entrop, Dorothy Frerich, Barbara Fuchs,
Carolyn Gottschalk, Barbara Hoelscher, Cecilia Hoelscher, Johnny Hoelscher,
Wanda Hoelscher, Hubert Lange, Nadine McDonald, Lee & Judith Meurer,
Reba Ott, Paula Rodgers, Chas Untermeyer, Doris Voltin
A Note from the President by Linda Binns
Hello Cousins,
At the April Hoelscher Buxkemper Family Association Board meeting officers were elected for 2 year terms, I was elected President, Carla Bottorf as Vice President and Shirley Burk as Secretary/ Treasurer. We also appointed the following committee chairs: Reba Ott, Custodian of records; Barbara Hoelscher, Membership; James Bernsen, Newsletter; and Leonard Buxkemper, 2012 reunion.
I would like to thank the outgoing Board President, Dottie Frerich, for her many years of service as Hoelscher – Buxkemper Family Association President. Dottie will continue service as a board member and as the Anton Jr. family representative. During her years in office she has done a wonderful job of presiding over the board and the reunion meetings, but her most terrific job was the publication of the new 2003 Family Book. She worked long hours with all the family members involved with this project and the new book is magnificent.
I look forward to serving the next two years and hope we can keep moving forward engaging our younger generation with Facebook, web, and other new media avenues but at the same time keeping those of us that don’t always keep up technology wise informed with what is happening in the family. If you are interested in our family history and would like to service on the board please contact me or another board member. With over 10 generations it would be nice to have a few more board members to track family in your area, clip items from the newspaper, and help keep family history together.
Linda Binns, President
Family representatives – to help keep track of our large family, we have established family representatives for each branch of the family. Please notify these people of any births, weddings, deaths, etc. their contact information is above.
Elizabeth (yellow) Doris Voltin
Anton (Blue) Dottie Frerich
Joe (Purple) Linda Binns
William (Red) Margie Baumbach and Shirley Burk
Ben (Green) O.A. Bernsen